
Does Multitasking Even Exist?

Cellphones have become a very major problem in schools these days. It is a problem in college and high school. Reclaiming conversation By Sherry Turkle does a great job at addressing the affect that technology is having on schools. There are many people who think that they are great at multitasking, but it is not effective at all. The brain is not wired to do multiple things at once. Multitasking is essentially the brain switching from one task to the next, all while losing quality of your work. 

I used to be a paper boy when I was 10. I would try to wrap up the papers and put them in bags and watch TV at the same time. It was not very efficient. It would sometimes take me 2 hours to do them all, but it would only take 20-30 minutes tops when I would just not watch TV at all. I am very aware that I am not a good “multitasker.”  

If I am being honest, I used to go on my phone a lot in high school, but that is because a lot of teachers didn’t really care at all. I had one teacher give us a lecture about how multitasking was not actually real, but no one heard him because everyone was on their phones. I think it is sad how much people these days are addicted to their phones. People can’t grow as much in community if they are constantly looking at their phone. I personally feel like I am pretty good with staying off of my phone. I find it very irritating when I am talking to someone and they are just on their phone the whole time. 

 It is also very interesting how it is hard to concentrate while holding a phone because it is a device that is meant for texting and games and social media. I had never thought to make that connection before. I think it is a good thing that a lot of teachers and schools are embracing technology in schools. If there is nothing for them to do on their devices they will not pay attention, but give them something to do on their device so that they will at least be doing something that they are supposed to do.