
I was on top of the world…

Enjoy! Video taken mostly by me. Editing done by me. Music most definitely not done by me.



By far the most confusing thing in this chapter for me was GOP structure. I grasped a basic understanding on how it works but if I were to try and explain it to someone I would realize just how many holes I have in my understanding. It is hard for me to visualize, and in turn, hard for me to remember.


Modern Art Satire

Modern Art Satire

I drew a total blank on what to create in illustrator. After trying to create a cool logo, I got fed up and started playing with the different tools and blurred the image. I used the twirl tool as well as the blur tool and drew in some star shapes to get some edges and interesting points. It reminded me of some modern art I went and saw when I was little and how everyone at the museum would just stare at the art and say nothing but “wow” or “how beautiful”. So I decided to be sarcastic. I actually kind of like how it turned out, though.


I have never been very interested in blogs. I have always found vlogs to be much more engaging and never gave blogs a real chance. I sifted through a few blogs for this assignment, mostly though the link we were given of the top 25 bloggers, and came across a blogger named Tynan. I was immediately captured by the transparency of his writing style and the whimsical way he lives life. He writes about everything from his minimalistic lifestyle, to random musings, to traveling the world. The way he lives his life is extraordinarily fascinating and inspiring to me.


.gifs are fun

.gif's are pure fun

I decided to do a .gif because I haven’t worked with them in a long while. I saw someone do something similar to this before, but I created the galaxy background with brushes and then changed the hue to make a smoother effect than the one that inspired me. I used lyrics from “I’m Alive” by Michael Franti and Spearhead.


New Age Media and God’s Kingdom

To be perfectly honest, it took some thinking and searching to come up with three websites that I thought were working to bring the Kingdom into this new media age. As it is, the websites are not the primary way that these groups are changing the world around them but rather the organization itself. With that said, I believe that bringing Christianity into this new age is a process and these three organizations are in the forefront, in my opinion.

The first website is I am second. It’s website is the most effective, in my opinion, of the three. It is all about answering the tough questions of life with Biblical answers and is mostly aimed towards non-Christian teens and young adults. It is leaps and strides ahead of most ministries in its quality and vision with regards to the new media age.

The second website is Invisible Children. I think one way most Christian websites and organizations fail is in their marketing and effective use of digital communication. Invisible Children was very much a force behind the Kony 2012 campaign that went viral on the internet. This organization understands how to use the internet and small budget video production to raise awareness and promote aiding the children it supports. The website is beautifully done and easily navigated through as well.

The last website is Unseen Ministries. This organization is all about raising awareness and sends people all over the world to create digital media to bring about this awareness. Their projects range from videos to graphics. They are actively in the world creating beautiful work to further God’s Kingdom.


Lossy vs. Lossless

The textbook talks about how files such as jpegs lose information in the compression process. But it went on to say that the information that it loses often remains undetectable to human sensory systems. My questions is what information is lost then?


Stop Studies from Smothering Dreams

ImageThe application Everest, created by a company by the same name, is described as an app to assist people in succeeding in their own personal goals and dreams. The website states that it is “founded on the belief that there is no separation between creating a better self and a better world, Everest exists to unlock human potential.”

Everest is designed to beautifully display a person’s goals and dreams in an interactive and simple way so as to help the average person keep track of and accomplish them.
College is all about bettering oneself and the world we live in, but it is easy to get sidetracked by the deadlines and chaos of University life. It helps a person to not lose their goal of learning the ukulele in their pursuit of becoming a geophysicist, lawyer, or school teacher.
